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GCSE results 24th Agust

We will be welcoming our students to collect their results tomorrow (Thursday 24th August) from 9am till 11am.  Good luck everybody!


YoungMinds -

If your child is getting their GCSE results tomorrow, here is our advice on managing a disappointing outcome.

1/ If your child is happy to show you their results statement, you might find it helpful to have a look, just in case they have misread or misunderstood, or overlooked something.

2/ Accept their feelings, whatever they are – disappointment, anger, embarrassment, bravado. Their feelings are neither right nor wrong, they just are. Don’t offer immediate judgement, or solutions, or even reassurance – there will be plenty of time for conversations later.

3/ Reflect back how they are feeling to show you have understood, for example, “I can see you’re disappointed with the Maths result.”

4/ Let them know you love them through highs and lows. Big hugs are good (although may be embarrassing in public).

5/ Show you’re on their side - it could be something small like getting their favourite snack.

6/ Give yourself some breathing space and time to reflect.

7/ Ask the school to help your child explore any possible next steps, such as re-takes, re-marking or alternative courses.

8/ If your child is disappointed with their results, they might also be embarrassed. Agree with them how they want their results discussed with family and friends, if at all.
