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Welcome to 3DRB,


It is great to see you all back after a long summer! Now that you are year 9 we are looking forward to building upon the skills and experiences of the last year in a fun, safe and supported way, as you enter your last year of KS3. There will be lots of positive learning and engagement, as well as exciting trips for you to look forward to in the coming year.


Miss Murray, Miss J and I, are here to help and guide you through this academic year and will support you in building positive relationships with both other pupils and staff. We will encourage you to try your best in all your subjects and to try new things when they arise.


The role of The Polygon school and 3DRB is to provide a safe and comfortable environment where you feel supported and confident in your learning, where we are all respectful of each other and work towards being the best version of ourselves. 


We are looking forward to spending a great year with you and as a team, we will help you through all of the new and exciting opportunities you will be faced with regardless of what year group you are in.


From Miss Ross-Barton, Miss Murray and Miss J
