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Welcome back after the summer, I hope you have had a nice break and have prepared yourselves for a hard but exciting year.


This year is going to be a big year for you. From the start, we will focus on improving your resilience and attainment to allow you to develop your character and prepare yourself for the demands and challenges that await you in your main exam years. You will be expected to maintain a high level of attendance and be punctual in all lessons. This year you will be entered into a range of qualification to help prepare for your next steps in learning so a mature approach is essential. It is important that you remain focused on all areas of your studies and you start to take ownership of your work so that you feel more confident when moving into KS4. In addition to your academic studies, we encourage you to take part in the host of after school activities and clubs currently on offer; I hope to see you all there.


My role as your tutor is to help and support you through the year. I want you to feel comfortable to talk to me if you need, have a super fun year, as well as be a positive role model to the lower school. I also endeavour to build your confidence to deal with any hurdles along your journey here, with or without my help. I will also help you to become independent and organised, ensuring you have all required information for the jam-packed year ahead.


I am very lucky to have such a fantastic tutor group and am looking forward to getting started on this year’s adventure.

Miss Ifould

