Artsmark Gold Award
Awarding body: Arts Council England
Description of award:
The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England. We support settings to develop and celebrate their commitment to arts and cultural education.
In 2015, the programme was refreshed to align with School Improvement Plans and support core EBACC and STEM priorities, giving the curriculum breadth and balance.
How does the whole school contribute to the award?:
- Cross-curricular learning.
- Using creative skills learning across other subjects.
- Uptake of Opportunities to access outside creative educators for small group projects, whole school projects, external projects
Milestones/achievements from the award:
- 2014 - Silver award achieved
- 2014/15 - Accreditation raised from silver to gold.
- Southampton Cultural Education Partnership: funding for staff training, 30 students to have 3 varied cultural experiences, certification of level of achievement.
- Inter stein funding attraction from British Art Show 8.
- Polygon Pupils work displayed at public exhibitions and public interactive art event
- Gold since January 2020
- Working at platinum level at present
Length of time school has had the award: