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Safeguarding Policies

Our Aims are to:

  • To provide an environment in which pupils feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to approach adults if they are in difficulties. To raise the awareness of all teaching and non-teaching staff of the need to safeguard pupils and of their responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse. This responsibility does not rest solely with Designated Safeguarding Lead, it is held by all staff.
  • To plan an effective Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship curriculum that encompasses age and developmentally appropriate content enabling pupils to build skills and confidence to help them to manage the challenges of growing up in today’s society including knowing how to keep themselves and others safe and where to get help from if they, or others need it.
  • Ensure that where required, action is taken in line with the best interests of the pupil, having taken their wishes into account, in line with KCSIE published September 2021.
  • To provide a systematic means of monitoring pupils known or thought to be at risk of harm, and ensure we, the school, contribute to assessments of need and support plans for those pupils.
  • To develop a structured procedure within the school that will be followed by all members of the school community in cases of suspected abuse.
  • To ensure that all adults within our school who have access to pupils have been checked as to their suitability.


The protection of children is of the highest priority for our school. Pupils have a right to feel secure and cannot learn effectively unless they do so. All pupils regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, ability, sexuality, religion, culture, language and beliefs have a right to be protected from harm. All staff have a key role in the prevention of harm and an equal responsibility to act on any suspicion or disclosure that may indicate a child is at risk of harm in accordance with the guidance.


We acknowledge that working in partnership with other agencies protects pupils and reduces risk and so we will engage in partnership working throughout the child protection process to safeguard children. Whilst the school will work openly with parents as far as possible, the school reserves the right to contact Southampton’s Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (in line with current safeguarding procedures) and Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Child and Family Early Intervention Model and Threshold Document or the Police, without notifying parents if this is in the child’s best interests.


All pupils in our school are able to talk to any member of staff to share concerns or talk about situations which are giving them worries. The staff will listen to the pupil, take their worries seriously and share the information with the safeguarding lead.

In addition, we provide pupils with information of who they can talk to outside of school both within the community and with local or national organisations who can provide support or help.


The School’s Safeguarding Team review this policy at least annually in line with DfE, LSCB, SCC and any other relevant guidance and update mid-review where key changes are made to national safeguarding policy or procedure.
