Our school has a long tradition of being able to work with pupils for whom mainstream education is not appropriate. The Polygon School is committed to ensuring all pupils have the right to a broad, balanced, relevant, and differentiated curriculum that reflects the pupils’ diverse learning needs. The curriculum demonstrates progress and challenges the pupils to fulfil their individual potential.
All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values.
SMSC is taught across the school in every subject. It is also taught within daily Breakfast clubs, PSHE, SEAL, Work skills, Religious Studies, during Tutor Time, and collective worship. Our aim is to develop pupils that are socially, morally, spiritually and culturally ready to confidently enter the world of work and further education and are responsible, respectful young men.
The Polygon School takes a whole school approach to SMSC. We are all responsible for the planning, recording and development of this focus.