Gatsby Benchmark
Awarding body: Careers and Enterprise Company
The Gatsby Benchmarks are measured vis the Compass+. The school is measured against 8 Benchmarks to see how effective it is at delivering a Careers Programme to the whole school community.
By bespoke delivery of Career Related Learning in KS4 'Work Skills' lessons. By delivery of Careers related lessons in PSHE, Science, Maths and English. By engaging in Careers activities such as ´Get Inspired´ and the Southampton Careers Show that the whole school have attended for the past 5 years. Employer Encounters, where workplace either come to school, or we visit them to learb about thir business and career opportunities.
100% implementaion of 8 out of 8 Benchmarks. This takes the school into the top 7% nationally in terms of Benchmarks achieved.
We have been tracking Benchmark progress for 5 years and it is reviewed termly. The report is shared with the local authority, the Careers and Enterprise Company and a link posted on the Careers section of the website.