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Gatsby Benchmark

Gatsby Benchmark


Awarding body:   Careers and Enterprise Company


Description of award:

The Gatsby Benchmarks are measured vis the Compass+. The school is measured against 8 Benchmarks to see how effective it is at delivering a Careers Programme to the whole school community.

How does the whole school contribute to the award?:

By bespoke delivery of Career Related Learning in KS4 'Work Skills' lessons.  By delivery of Careers related lessons in PSHE, Science, Maths and English.  By engaging in Careers activities such as ´Get Inspired´ and the Southampton Careers Show that the whole school have attended for the past 5 years.  Employer Encounters, where workplace either come to school, or we visit them to learb about thir business and career opportunities.

Milestones/achievements from the award:

100% implementaion of 8 out of 8 Benchmarks. This takes the school into the top 7% nationally in terms of Benchmarks achieved.

Length of time school has had the award:

We have been tracking Benchmark progress for 5 years and it is reviewed termly.  The report is shared with the local authority, the Careers and Enterprise Company and a link posted on the Careers section of the website.


Significant Milestone Projects:
