Religious Education at The Polygon School
The aim of Religious Studies is to develop pupils as respectful learners. Pupils will learn to understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and understand their influence on individuals, communities, and cultures. Pupils will develop their sense of identity and belonging, preparing them for adult life as citizens in a diverse society.
KS3 Religious Studies at The Polygon School follows the Locally Agreed Syllabus, ‘Living Difference’. This syllabus is based upon understanding and responding to the key concepts within the major religious traditions and non-religious beliefs represented in Great Britain.
Religious Studies uses a cycle of enquiry which develops students’ skills at each stage of the process:
- Communicate
- Apply
- Enquire
- Contextualise
- Evaluate
Year 7
- To introduce pupils to RE (Respect Education)
- Have some understanding of the Living Difference curriculum and concept wheel
- To complete introductory lessons on importance of respect and how to discuss concepts respectfully with peers
- To understand that it is OK to disagree as long as you can do so respectfully and with explanation
- To engage in practical, creative lessons which include religious practices
- To complete 3 concept cycles and assessments
- To celebrate religious festivals and take part in religious practices
- To complete a creative research project on Gandhi and Peace
Years 8 and 9
- To build on knowledge and skills within the Living Difference concept wheel
- Be confident to participate in Living difference cycle and understand the evaluation process
- To build on respect by being able to make statements like ‘I respect your opinion but I believe …. Because’
- To complete cycles of enquiry on concepts which require a higher level of maturity and thinking
- To complete a research creative project
- To continue to develop understanding of religious festivals and visit a place or worship
- Pupils feeling safe and secure to discuss topics respectfully in RE lessons
- Creative, practical lessons (use of drama, art, games, religious practices, role play)
- Planned, structured and sequenced lessons which build on knowledge using the living difference curriculum
- Adhering to school’s marking and feedback policy using Pixl marking technique
- Clear assessment strategies through evaluations at the end of every concept cycle, draw and write and reflection slips
- Consistency in expectations of behaviour management in line with school policy
Attending network meetings CPD across Southampton Schools
Despite being a small department, which only includes the teaching of KS3, we still expect positive outcomes for our pupils both academically and socially so they are equipped for a wider society. We aim to see participation levels and engagement improve and show progress through class books, Living Different Evaluations at the end of each unit and emotional literacy checklists. Inspections and audits from SCC and the SACRE, inform and evaluate our practise in this department.
If you are a parent/carer with concerns about a student participating in RE lessons please let the Headteacher know as soon as possible, so that we can work with you to arrange an appropriate alternative.