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School Council

School Council


The school council is made up of representatives from each class group and is supported Mr Rooke.


Each member is elected by his peers and serves on the council for the academic year.  The role of school council member is an important one within the school. The Council meets every half term, class council meetings are held before each meeting to ensure every child has the opportunity to have their say.  After each meeting the class representative reports back to the class any points of concern or general interest.


The council has certain responsibilities within the school, one of which is taking part in the appointment of new staff. Their input in the process is important in the decision making process.


The school council also organise events in school and were very proud of their ‘Polygon Pride’ non-school uniform day.  They are also responsible for the introduction of a school uniform, and are currently working on a possible change of colour and design.


There is a set amount of money available for the school council to spend each year on projects suggested by the pupils. Previous funds have been spent on new seating areas in the playground, upgrading sports equipment for break time. 

The Polygon School Council - when ideas become reality!


The school council have been involved in many changes and events across the school community.  One such example was the recent revamp and relaunch of the Reward+ system.  Pupils in school can spend points, that they can earn each lesson, on a variety of rewards.

The School Council felt the system needed to be refreshed. The first step was to seek the opinion of the whole school community, so they organised a survey where pupils looked at if the reward system worked and what rewards would be suggested. Next rhe School Council met and invited Mr Atkinson to attend and discussed the proposed changes and reward suggestions.


Mr Atkinson spoke to the staff team and then looked at the system, current rewards and proposed rewards. When a plan was made Mr Atkinson submitted his suggestions to SLT for approval.


The new rewards system, with many suggestions from the pupils has just been launched in school.

This is a perfect example of the pupil voice driving change in the school.  If pupils help design the system they will be more likely to engage with it and use it.  We are excited to see what rewards the pupils spend their points on.

School Council Newsletters 2024/25
