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Careers at The Polygon School


The Polygon School has a comprehensive Careers Plan covering all aspects of our pupil's needs from work experience, CV Writing, Interview Techniques, and Careers Planning Meetings.

Peter Rooke - Level 6 Careers Advisor, provides Careers Guidance meetings to our pupils from Year 7-11.  We work with our external partner, EBP South, as well as various local employers to secure work experience and employer encounters for our pupils.  We have strong links with local further education (FE) colleges and organize visits through our Work-Skills sessions. Where pupils show interest we also endeavour to set up Taster Days at FE Colleges so that pupils can sample their course before they commit to it to ensure that it is the correct fit for them.


Top 7% in the Country!


Click  to read the post.  Date June 2020

Careers Programme Information


We at The Polygon School value and take huge pride in our Careers Programme and the benefits that it has for our pupils. 

Peter Rooke - Level 6 Careers Advisor provides Careers Guidance meetings.  Externally wee work with EBP South to help us source Employer Encounters for our pupils.  With their support, we are able to offer our pupils at least seven meaningful encounters with employers in a variety of ways such as workplace visits, employer talks in school, work experience placements and careers events.


For the academic year, 2024-25 the school's career leader is Peter Rooke – Pupil Engagement Officer, The Polygon School, Handel Terrace, Southampton, SO15 2FH. Tel: 023 8063 6776.


A copy of the 2024-25 bespoke Careers programme can also be found in this section on the school website and is available to access by all stakeholders.  Peter Rooke - Level 6 Careers Advisor provides guidance to pupils on a planned schedule so the offer is available to all pupils in school across the year.  This information is provided to all pupils from Year 7 – Year 11.  Information is also provided to parents via two parent information days (Target Setting/Review Days) held each academic year.


The school measures their progress against the Gatsby benchmarks.  In line with Local Authority and CEC requirements our Gatsby Benchmarks are reviewed and recorded termly, three times per year.  These are shared with the CEC, Local Authority and published on our website below.  This system logs our progress against the benchmarks annually and allows us to evaluate our progress and identify areas for improvements.

The Polygon Schools careers 2024-25

Careers Education school policy - date of next review - 01-10-2025 (every two years)

   Please click here for more details of our Gatsby Benchmark.

Flyingt Start
