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Our Policies

School policies cover every aspect of school life.  All policies are read and reviewed by the the Governing Body and approved by them in their full board meetings.  Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.


The Polygon School Policies

  • If you would like further information on a policy that is listed within the pdf but not shown, please ask the school office.

Admissions & Transitions (Policy 012)

Attendance Policy (Policy 013)

Behaviour Policy (Policy 014)

Charging Policy (015)

Child Protection Policy (Policy 023b)

Complaints Policy (Policy 016)

Data Protection Policy (Policy 017)

Equalities Statement (Policy 018a)

Health & Safety (Policy 019)

Inclusion & SEN Policy (Policy 020)

Safeguarding Policy (Policy 023a)

Sex & Relationships Policy (Policy 026b)

Unreasonable Complaints Policy (Policy 016)
