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A Thank You to Parents/Carers and Staff, "Another Covid-free Term"


Dear Parent /carers,


Thank you for the support you have shown to the school over the last term. I am delighted to inform you that we have managed to get through the term without any Positive test results amongst the pupils or the staff. I put this down to the diligence of the staff, ensuring that all children stick to the cleaning expectations, and to our newly appointed daytime school cleaner, who has ensured that all communal areas are regularly disinfected throughout the day.

Our staff is to be commended for their efforts and the pupils for their resilience.


The school will finish at 1.00 pm on Friday 18th December 2020.

We have a staff training day planned for 4th January, followed by two days of home learning so that those who have not yet had the chance to test out their TEAMS skills, can join lessons online.

PUPILS ARE EXPECTED IN SCHOOL ON THURSDAY 7th JANUARY 2021. For those who travel by taxi, the taxi’s will be booked for your normal pick up time.

I trust you all have a peaceful, and healthy Christmas break and look forward to seeing you
