The “Healthy High 5” Award was launched in Southampton to make it easier for schools to provide fun, healthy activities for children that improve well-being. The Polygon has been taking part in this award since 2021 and we achieved our Bronze award in the first year. We are now aiming to go one better and achieve our Silver award this year.
This award includes 5 starts that schools must try to achieve in order to gain their award each term:
Boys enjoy taking some ownership over this subject and what activities they do for this lesson and I have seen some lovely, creative lessons take place.
You can be as imaginative as you like-so many things come under the “Physical Exercise” and “Mindfulness Minute” sections. Many activities count towards achieving your HH5 each term, for example, swimming, forest schools and Mr.T sessions. Boys tick their log sheets in the classroom when they do something that is mindful or physical (besides your timetabled PE lessons). Below are some activities that pupils have done that contribute towards their HH5:
"If we work together, staff and pupils,
I am sure we can achieve a Silver award."
For further information go to: