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Letter to Parents/carers from the Headteacher

Thursday 19th March 2020


Dear members of the Polygon School community,


You will have heard the announcement that schools will be closed for Friday 20th March 2020 until further notice. You will have also heard that some schools will remain partially open to protect “the most vulnerable”.

This means that from Monday 23rd March, the Polygon school will remain partially open, but we may have to restrict those who come to school, to ensure that we have sufficient staff to look after the boys whilst they are with us.


For this reason, I have drawn up a priority list of children who will be invited to school, as long as they are not showing any symptoms and the family they live with, is not self-isolating.

All pupils have work set for them on the “Doddle”. The teachers who are not allowed in school, will be monitoring the “doddle” carefully and will be able to communicate with your child in this way.


Most pupils have already taken work packs home from school.


Some pupils who have not yet taken work home will receive a package from school in the post.


Bernie, our school counsellor, will be making phone calls to all the boys she would usually see in school. Please expect a call from an unknown number during today for Bernie to speak to your child.


Boys who are well, will be invited into school in the following order:

  • Boys whose parent/carers are working. This will allow adults to continue to go to work.
  • Boys whose families are involved with social services in any way.
  • Boys who would like to come to school!

We will not be running a normal timetable. Instead, the staff will be organising activities which should be engaging. Those of you who have already spent two weeks self-isolating will appreciate the value of children being able to be in the company of other children.


During today, I will seek clarity from the City Council to see if we can still use school transport.


We are still seeking clarity from the examination boards concerning Year 11 exams. However, it is likely that we will need to share the coursework completed by the boys in the last four weeks in order to assess their grade level. We will talk to individual families directly about this.


The school website, will be updated at 09.00hrs every morning.


Please call NHS 111 if you are concerned about members of your family or yourself for medical advice.


Above all, stay safe.

Anne Hendon-John.

