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Welcome Back: A Letter from Anne Hendon-John



Dear Polygon School community,


Welcome back to a new term! We look forward to welcoming a number of pupils into the school, mostly in year 7, but also two pupils in older year groups.


The school term will start on Monday 6th September.


We will ask your child to take a Lateral flow test twice during the first week back to school. This is to continue with our Covid safety measures. School can provide you with further Lateral flow tests to be used at home, as required.


Please feel free to allow your child to continue to wear a face-covering if they would like. The school staff will ensure adequate classroom ventilation, cleaning of surfaces and regular hand washing.


The website will alert you to activities in the school throughout the year. Please visit it regularly and let us know where we can make improvements. The school blog is always a good place to catch up with the latest news.


There will be two International trips during 2021- 2022.


The first will take place in March 2022 and is a ski trip. Pupils will be invited to join by the staff taking the trip. There is a cost of £400 towards the expenses.


The second trip will be to Iceland. This is a trip totally sponsored by the British Council and as such there will be no financial cost to families. There will be ten places available to pupils. Any parent/carer who would like their child to be considered for the trip needs to speak to me in the first instance, so I can explain the expectations. The Iceland trip will be led by Ms Gemma Griffiths and will provide five days in Iceland, experiencing the culture, meeting school children in Iceland and enjoying a trip abroad.



Assuming Covid restrictions have not been re-imposed, on Thursday 14th October 2021, we will celebrate Finn’s (our school dog), the third birthday with an Afternoon Tea, and a community “get together”. We have been fortunate to receive Community Lottery funding for this event, so the event will be free. Afternoon tea will be served at 2.45. There will be a magician to entertain us, and all families are welcome. Please register for your place with Lindsey Rayner in the office on 023 8063 6776.


Target review day will be held on Monday 8th November 2021.

And finally, we now have vacancies of the governors for Parent/Carers to join the Governing Body. Please speak to me or ben Penfold for further details.


Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to a great term together.



Anne Hendon-John.

