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  • An idea grows in to a working bike hub!

    Sun 29 Oct 2023

    Bike hub created at The Polygon School!


    "The Bike Hub", it all started with Mr Bartlett needing a few bikes to work with a new pupil 1:1.  He had an idea and decided to put an advert on The Romsey Facebook group, asking if anybody wished to donate their old and unwanted bikes.  The response was amazing and he was inundated with offers.  He spent the following weeks collecting bikes from all over Southampton, ending up with just over 30 bikes...the school garage is full! 


    This idea happened at the same time the schools transport facilities were changing and the "Bike Hub" project was put in place where we have started to fix up the bikes to gift to those boys who need them.  Boys who are in line for a bike, come and work on them so they have an understanding of the maintenance involved in owning a bike.  They also have the reward of taking ownership knowing they earnt the bike by bringing it back to life by themselves.


    The "Bike Hub" has also been utilised as an intervention for pupils who would benefit from a practical engagement session.  Pupils are working on their own bikes that they will then get to take home once they are finished and will then be able to ride them to school.  Riding sessions are also planned for after half term to help pupils feel more confident in tackling the streets of Southampton on their way to school.


    Quotes from pupils:


    "Wow, did we really get given all these for free, that's amazing that people have done that"


    "There are so many bikes, this is going to be so much fun Sir."


    "I really want to fix a bike with you Sir, because I would love to be able to ride to school."

  • New course at The Polygon

    Fri 20 Oct 2023

    Staff have gained new qualifications and are delivering a new course at school.  This year pupils in KS3 are participating in ASDAN lessons. They are working towards their Life Skills Award and need to complete a series of activities to gain enough credits to pass.


    “ASDAN’s mission is to engage young people aged 11 to 25 years in greatest need to achieve meaningful learning outcomes, which elevate them to go on to further education, training or work, and empower them to take control of their lives”


    This year we are delivering the ASDAN ‘Lifeskills Challenge’ to individuals and groups. This programme enables schools to meet pupil’s needs by providing a personalised curriculum for young people with SEND or those facing barriers to learning.


    Challenges have been mapped to the four Preparing for Adulthood pathways and cover subject areas such as English, mathematics and PSHE


    One of the challenges they are doing is to build famous landmarks in Minecraft. Using their cross curricular skills from ICT they have researched various famous buildings and selected one to build in the programme. Current projects include The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Egyptian Pyramids. We look forward to seeing the results of the pupils ASDAN challenges in the coming months.


    To learn more about the course please click on the link:

  • Meet your school Council 2023-24

    Thu 05 Oct 2023

    Meet your School Council 2023-24


    Each class in school voted for who will represent them on the School Council. The School Council will meet at least once each half term to discuss issues pupils bring forward, as well as topics put forward to them by SLT.


    This week one of the first duties of the School Council was to host the school community in the Head boy Elections.  Pupils and staff all cast their vote to choose who would represent them as Head boy and Deputy Head boy.   After the votes were counted there was a winner, and a tie for second place.


    Mr Penfold presented the Head boy, and the two Deputy Head boy badges, in front of the school the next day.


    Congratulations to:

    • SC - Head boy
    • LH & JLS - Deputy Head boys

