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Keep up to date with all the latest news stories and messages shared here! The three most recent Latest News articles also appear on the Home Page of the website. The full bank of Latest News feed articles can be viewed below:

  • Transporting your child to School

    Mon 08 Jun 2020

    To Parent/Carers,

    Please find below the latest government guidance on using transport when travelling to and from school in relations to using public transport, cycling and walking. Please use these measures when travelling form home to school and the return journey.

    Regards, The Polygon School

    Transporting your Child to School

    Plan your journey

    Can you travel when traffic is quieter

    Plan your route - try to take to most direct bus, cycle or walking route

    Wash your hands before you leave for school

    Take hand sanitiser and/or a face covering with you


    On your journey*

    Stay 2M apart from other people

    Buses may be running at 25% capacity so you may have to wait

    Be patient using public transport and follow instructions from transport staff

    If cycling follow road safety measures and the Highway Code

    If walking stick to designated footpaths and walk through parks so there is more space around you


    Completing your journey

    Maintain a 2M distance where possible

    Follow guidance at your destination

    Wash or sanitise your hands as soon as possible


    *Both Bluestar and City Red buses are running a 25% capacity (1 in 4 seats) to help maintain social distancing. A “full” bus will only be 25% full so please allow time to potentially have to catch the next bus in the service.

  • Letter from the Headteacher

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 Anne Hendon John

                                                                                                                                  Monday 1st June  2020

    Dear members of the Polygon School community,

    From today, the school will be inviting a few more children into the school premises.

    These children will be in addition to those who have been accessing childcare in school during the lock down.

    At Polygon, the vast majority of families, for the time being, would prefer to keep their children safe, and those children will stay at home, continuing to access on-line learning.

    No family will be penalised for wanting to keep their child at home.

    The Governors have taken steps to ensure that those people using the school building are as safe as they possibly can be.

    Temperatures will be taken from every person entering the building. Those with a high temperature will be returned home.

    Children moving around the building will be limited, with most pupils spending the majority of their lessons in the same classroom.

    Pupils will be issued with their own personal equipment for writing and drawing, to try to reduce the risk of cross contamination.

    An additional member of domestic staff will be employed to be a continual cleaning presence in all communal areas.

    Social distancing will be practiced. Doors to most rooms will remain opened, so that there is little need to use door handles. Hand washing will be an expectation at the start of each lesson.

    I want to thank all of the parents/ carers who have been supportive of the school during this difficult time. The staff have worked together to try to ensure that everyone in our school community has been looked after, and kept informed about developments.


    During your weekly phone calls, please let the staff know if you would prefer your child to stay at home.

    Please keep checking the school website for messages.


    Above all, stay safe.


    Anne Hendon-John.

